Monday, March 26, 2012

Atheist Reason Rally

This Is a Preview of The Blazes Reason Rally Coverage | Atheists

The rally, which included performers, speakers, activities and plenty more, was intended to celebrate non-theism, while taking aim at faith and religion in the public square.

From 10 a.m. until 6 p.m., the National Mall was filled with several thousand secularists who chanted, laughed and cheered — all in the name of secular humanism. Many times throughout the speeches and performances atheists were encouraged to “come out” and show their non-belief, as numerous attendees we spoke with likened the atheist struggle to that of the gay rights plight in America.

This Is a Preview of The Blazes Reason Rally Coverage | Atheists

Perhaps David Silverman, the controversial president of American Atheists, summed the event’s purposes up most appropriately when he told the audience, “God is a myth. Closet atheists, you are not alone.” Freedom From Religion Foundation co-president Annie Laurie Gaylor later added, “Nothing fails like prayer.”

READ MORE at the Blaze

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