Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Teen Girls Get Truth on Purity at The Pink Lid

With fashion magazine covers depicting Photoshopped imagery of girls with near perfect skin, hair—and everything else—Alyssa Shull is working to help teen girls see themselves through God’s eyes.
An Oral Roberts University graduate, Shull launched a conference in 2006 aimed at girls aged 12 to 18 who need a revelation on what true beauty is all about. Dubbed The Pink Lid, the two-day events include a fashion show, make-up seminar, speakers, a live band, food, giveaways, and Q&As about sex, love and dating.
“My sister was away from the Lord for a while, but then she attended a church event where 20-something girls shared their testimonies and it completely changed her life,” says Shull, co-founder of Shull Ministries International, the producer of Skunks TV. “She got on fire for God and she is still serving Him to this day. I wanted to give other young girls that experience.”


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