Wednesday, August 1, 2012

MASSIVE Support: Chick-fil-A Fans Gather to Show Unity in Biblical Marriage and Business

If Facebook can be any sort of indicator, it can be surmised that at least a half-a-million people or more plan to participate in Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day by visiting one of the national chain's restaurants today. However, the numbers of people buying a chicken sandwich and waffle fries today could be far greater because of support from influential Christian leaders including evangelist Billy Graham.

Inspired by former presidential candidate Mike Huckabee's plea to express solidarity with the restaurant following the fallout over gay marriage, the buildup toward the day included social media chatter of biblical proportions.
"We're simply asking people to eat chicken and not to be one when it's time to take a stand – our appreciation is not only for the views of Dan Cathy, but for his right to have them and express them freely," stated Huckabee on the Facebook page he created for the event.
In the often times bitter online debate, even some Christians are asking, "What's the point of it all?"
"Know what's funny? This act by Chick-fil-A has done nothing but anger the gay community," commented Becky under one of Huckabee's posts. "Aren't we as Christians supposed to be good stewards of the word? Has this reached the gay community in a loving way, or a judgmental way?"
Chick-fil-A has made a deliberate move to try and steer clear of the controversy first started when the company's president, Dan Cathy, affirmed his belief in traditional marriage, or the "biblical definition of the family unit."

Lilburn church distributing 100K pounds of food to needy

LILBURN—The line snaking around Lilburn's Faith Center church Sunday morning was as intent on real food as much as spiritual nourishment.
With church services canceled, there was a big turnout, nevertheless, for the church's annual food give-away.
More than 100,000 pounds of food, from cereal to produce to canned soup, was set up on tables for the thousands who filed into the church hall, located on the Berkmar High School campus.
The event ran from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., but many, like Norcross resident Juanita Kennemore showed up early.
"I got here at 6, because we have no food," said Kennemore, who is disabled and lives with her two children and two grandchildren.
Even before the distribution began, the sanctuary was packed with more than 400 people, and the line leading into the building stretched out the door, along a shaded breezeway and into the parking lot.
Volunteers were still serving into the early evening, and church Pastor Vincent Campbell estimated close to 9,000 people from Gwinnett, Cobb, Fulton and Douglas counties were served.
All the food is purchased by the church with donations from parishioners.