Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Mainstream Media Defaming Christians

Click to read original article from

Christian News Wire

FORT. LAUDERDALE, Fla., March 30 /Christian Newswire/ -- "Many mainstream media outlets, like ABC and CNN, are irresponsibly reporting that those arrested in Michigan in the alleged plot to murder law enforcement officers are 'Christians,'" said Dr. Gary Cass of the Christian Anti-Defamation Commission. "Even if they identify themselves as Christians, what they were allegedly planning is absolutely contrary to Christianity. They may have illicitly co-opted the Christian faith to justify their murderous intentions, but it is defamatory for the media to keep referring to them as Christians. They are simply terrorists."
According to ABC news website, "[a] family of four was behind an anti-government militia plot to kill law enforcement officers with improvised explosive devices and projectiles before being foiled by an FBI raid Sunday that netted nine members of a Christian extremist group, ... the fringe Christian militia group called the Hutaree [conspired] to kill a Michigan law enforcement officer and then ambush the officer's colleagues who would have gathered for the funeral...." CNN news website displayed the headline, "Christian Warrior" Militia Accused in Plot to Kill Police.
"I find it hypocritical that news organizations will not call someone who carries out Jihad in accordance to his faith what he really is, an Islamic terrorist, for fear of offending Muslims. But when some insane person claims to be a Christian and does something completely contrary to the Christian faith, the media keeps making the libelous association," said Cass. "It's time for the news media to stop this transparent double standard."


JMC Ministries Response

Jesus himself said that many would say they come in HIS name but are like wolves in sheep's clothing. To us this is just one example of people claiming to be “Christians” but doing such terrible things that Jesus himself said to not do. Even the 10 commandments say to not kill.

But these “extremists” sought out to kill and destroy people who they think is a threat to them. 

Jesus said, “if they have persecuted me they will persecute you.” So we know that as Christians we are not above what our own Lord and Savior suffered to just share love, compassion, and hope to a dying and hurting world.

Extremists are in every religion. We hear mostly about Muslim extremists, but there are also Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, Christians, etc. that only seek to have peace and love in the world.

To put people who are obviously disturbed in the same category as Christians who are not about killing people and destroying those they think or feel are a threat is just wrong. Just as many still put these Muslim Terrorists in the same category as the Muslims who do not seek to kill every one that does not follow their beliefs. As many of the terrorists do.

The “mainstream Media” has a responsibility to stop putting everyone in the same category and show that just because these people may say they are “Christians” They clearly are not following the teaching of Jesus. Jesus was about peace, love, compassion, and helping those in need. Not getting your weapons and killing people. Oh yes Jesus could have, he could have stopped his suffering on the Cross and shown all that he would not be treated so. But, he didn’t.

He bore that cross for us so that we may live, and then rose again on the 3rd day. To save us from hell and damnation. Through his sacrifice we can live. Not to live to kill others but live to share the hope and love that Christ has put within us.

Students want "Our Lord" Removed From Diploma's

Click to read original article from my San Antonio.com
A group of students at Trinity University is lobbying trustees to drop a reference to “Our Lord” on their diplomas, arguing it does not respect the diversity of religions on campus.
“A diploma is a very personal item, and people want to proudly display it in their offices and homes,” said Sidra Qureshi, president of Trinity Diversity Connection. “By having the phrase ‘In the Year of Our Lord,' it is directly referencing Jesus Christ, and not everyone believes in Jesus Christ.”
Qureshi, who is Muslim, has led the charge to tweak the wording, winning support from student government and a campus commencement committee. Trustees are expected to consider the students' request at a May board meeting.
Other students and President Dennis Ahlburg have defended the wording, arguing that references to the school's Presbyterian roots are appropriate and unobtrusive.
Founded by Presbyterians in 1869, Trinity has been governed by an independent board of trustees since 1969 but maintains a “covenant relationship” with the church.
“Any cultural reference, even if it is religious, our first instinct should not be to remove it, but to accept it and tolerate it,” said Brendan McNamara, president of the College Republicans.
McNamara pointed out that Trinity displays other signs of its Christian heritage, including a chapel on campus, a chaplain, Christmas vespers and a Bible etching on the Trinity seal.
“Once you remove that phrase, where do you draw the line?” McNamara asked.
The debate started last year when Isaac Medina, a Muslim convert from Guadalajara, Mexico, noticed the wording while looking at pre-made diploma frames in the Trinity bookstore. When Medina applied to Trinity, university staff told him it wasn't a religious institution and that it maintained only a historical bond to the Presbyterian Church.
So the godly reference “came as a big surprise,” said Medina, who graduated in December. “I felt I was a victim of a bait and switch.”
At first, Qureshi and Medina sought a change only for students who desired it. But university staff told them the school would not print custom diplomas, so they requested dropping the words “Our Lord” from all diplomas issued.
In January, the student government and the Trinity Diversity Connection co-sponsored a forum to debate the issue. And in February, the Association of Student Representatives and the university's commencement and convocation committee both voted to support the change, Qureshi said.
“I honestly feel like nobody actually noticed it before,” Medina said. “Now that it has been brought up, the institution is trying to find its own identity. Are we or are we not a religious institution?”
Though Trinity has historically enrolled mostly Anglo Christians, the university has taken pains to increase diversity in recent years. Since 1999, the share of international students has increased from 1 percent to 9 percent.
Medina, a former international student, said he always has felt welcome at Trinity. The chaplain on campus caters to students of all religions, and the university recently dedicated a Muslim prayer space in Parker Chapel.
“I never had the experience that Trinity was a closeted Christian institution,” Medina said.
Ahlburg, who took the helm in January, said Trinity should continue to foster a diverse environment but should not ignore its cultural and religious roots.
“The fundamental issue is not so much what is on the diploma. The fundamental question is, ‘Is Trinity a place that is accepting and supportive of all faiths?'” Ahlburg said.
Current students are not Trinity's only stakeholders, Ahlburg said. The university also has thousands of alumni and donors to appease, many of whom have called Ahlburg to tell him they oppose the change.
“Democracy is not letting a small number of people have their way,” Ahlburg said. “Democracy is listening to the different voices and making an informed decision.”

Iowa Town Tries to Rename Good Friday As "Spring Holiday"

Click to read full article from ABC News

One week before the most solemn day in the Christian year, the city of Davenport, Iowa removed Good Friday from its municipal calendar, setting off a storm of complaints from Christians and union members whose contracts give them that day off.
Taking a recommendation by the Davenport Civil Rights Commission to change the holiday's name to something more ecumenical, City Administrator Craig Malin sent a memo to municipal employees announcing Good Friday would officially be known as "Spring Holiday."
"My phone has been ringing off the hook since Saturday," said city council alderman Bill Edmond. "People are genuinely upset because this is nothing but political correctness run amok."
Edmond said the city administrator made the change unilaterally and did not bring it to the council for a vote, a requirement for a change in policy.
"The city council didn't know anything about the change. We were blind sided and now we've got to clean this mess up. How do you tell people the city renamed a 2,000 year old holiday?" said Edmond.
It didn't take long for the city the resurrect the name Good Friday. Malin was overruled today and the words "Spring Holiday" disappeared.
Good Friday commemorates the day Jesus was crucified and died. Christians celebrate his resurrection the following Sunday, Easter.
The Civil Rights Commission said it recommended changing the name to better reflect the city's diversity and maintain a separation of church and state when it came to official municipal holidays.
"We merely made a recommendation that the name be changed to something other than Good Friday," said Tim Hart, the commission's chairman. "Our Constitution calls for separation of church and state. Davenport touts itself as a diverse city and given all the different types of religious and ethnic backgrounds we represent, we suggested the change."
JMC Ministries Response

The "Separation of Church and State" was never in the original U.S Constitution it was put there hundreds of years later by people who are against "religion". Our founding Fathers placed God First when founding this country and to try and slowly take God or religion out of everything is UNConstitutional. Read your 1st amendment!

It seems that every year that a Christian Holiday comes around more and more people are trying to either get rid of it completely or rename it to suit them. What about our rights? Don't we have those too or does it only apply to those who appose any religious thing?

More and more there are stories showing up everyday of this nature here in the U.S we must continue to pray and fight for our rights. And pray for those who seek to destroy our rights as U.S Citizens

Bodies of 21 babies Found in China River

Click to read original article from Fox News
BEIJING -- The bodies of 21 babies, believed dumped by hospitals, have washed ashore on a riverbank in eastern China, state media reported Tuesday.
Video footage showed that the bodies -- stashed in yellow plastic bags, at least one of which was marked "medical waste" -- included some infants several months old. Some wore identification tags with their mothers' names, birth dates, measurements and weights. The official Xinhua News Agency said there were also fetuses among the bodies.
Residents discovered the remains under a bridge in the city of Jining, Shandong province, over the weekend. Tags on the feet of eight of the babies traced them back to a hospital in Jining, according to the People's Daily Web site. Three of them had been admitted earlier to the hospital in critical condition, the report said. It did not say when.
The other 13 bodies were unidentified. The number of girls or boys was not reported.
More girls than boys are aborted in China because of the traditional preference for male offspring, especially in rural areas. Although gender-selection abortions are illegal in China, the practice remains widespread and has led to a skewed sex ratio at birth in China with 119 males born for every 100 females. In industrialized countries, the ratio is 107 to 100.
An official from the general office from the Affiliated Hospital of Jining Medical College confirmed it was involved.
"Several of the bodies of babies with (identification) tags were from our hospital, but not all of them. The officials from the health bureau are still in the hospital doing an investigation," said the official, who like most Chinese officials would not give his name.
Xinhua said medical staff were suspended after the discovery.
"The hospital medical staff involved have been suspended from their work during the investigation," Zhong Haitao, a spokesman at the Jining Health Bureau, was quoted as saying.
Local residents and firefighters recovered the bodies Monday after they were discovered under a bridge spanning the Guangfu River in the outskirts of Jining, Zhong said.
Interviews with residents who discovered the bodies floating near the shore over the weekend were broadcast on the Web site of the Shandong Broadcasting Company, IQILU.com.
The footage shows bodies lying on parts of the bank of the river. Some are uncovered, and others are in bags. They are all small and covered in dirt. A leg sticks out from under one bag. At least one of the bags has "medical waste" written on it.
JMC Ministries Response

To think that babies mean so little in China that they don't even properly bury these babies is so horrifying.
These little ones some who never even had a chance to breathe their first breath of life and were marked at "waste material" should not be forgotten.

It is very hard to put together words to express the sadness of reading this. But we as citizens of the world need to stand up and put an end to this kind of gruesome events taking place across the world.