Friday, April 2, 2010

Obama Makes Fun of Those Who Are Against Health Care Reform


JMC Ministries Response

To hear Obama riling up the crowd and making fun of those who don’t want his Government Health Care Clearly shows that he does not care what the American People want or think.

Obama’s approval rating is the lowest since he has been in office after he signed the Health Care Reform Bill. His rating is 44%. But hearing this crowd you would not know that.

More Americans are against Obama than for him. This crowd of people applauding. cheering and even booing at those who are against the health care do not make up the majority. They are the minority!

To hear the president make fun of me, my family and friends is very upsetting because it just shows he has no respect for Americans that want FREEDOM and not More BIG Government running everything in our country! We must NOT Let our voices be silenced, we must keep fighting and stand up for our Freedoms and rights that Obama clearly wants to take away.

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