Friday, November 19, 2010

Couple Posts Online Poll Whether Or Not To Abort Their Unborn Child

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A Minnesota woman is putting the life of her unborn baby up for vote. She and her husband have posted a poll on a website asking people to vote on whether she should have an abortion.

Alisha Arnold of Apple Valley, Minnesota is 17 weeks pregnant. After suffering three miscarriages she says she and her husband are unsure if they're emotionally prepared to have a child. So now they're turning to the public to help them make their decision. Their online abortion vote is not without controversy.

In September, Alisha and Pete Arnold put their unborn baby's life up for a vote. Their website asks you to cast your ballot for or against an abortion.

"We really wanted to be able to let people voice their opinions," said Alisha.

Online skeptics accuse the couple of a publicity stunt with a hidden agenda.

"I would say our only agenda is just getting people's votes and their opinions," said Alisha.

click to read full story from Fox 7


JMC Ministries Response

If a person kills a pregnant women In the USA, he or she is then charged with killing not only the woman but also the unborn baby. But when a woman kills her unborn baby through abortion it is ok and is not murder. Then to take it this far and have people vote whether or not you should kill your child is just insane! A child's life hangs in the balance on whether more people vote to keep the baby or kill it! So our question is, if this couple decide to keep their child will they make more polls on how they should care for the child like, "do we feed the child or let it starve?" "Do we change he or she's diaper or let them sit in the poo poo or pee pee for a while longer?" Because this is just how crazy this already is. Already 5,000 people have voted to kill the baby! So if abortion was illegal in the USA like it use to be over 5,000 people will be contributing to the murder of this child if the woman so chooses to abort the baby!

This is America today and we are ashamed of what our Country has become. We as Christians and moral citizens of the United States need to to start taking a stand against things like this and start protecting even the most innocent of lives. Every life counts and every soul has been created for a purpose. Let us make the decision today who we will serve, the world or God!

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