We have authored model legislation that prevents the chipping of vulnerable populations and raises the bar of consent for implanting an identification or tracking device in any person. We need your help to get this bill introduced and passed in your state.
Here's what you can do:
>> Download a copy of the "Bodily Integrity Act" [PDF]
>> Identify your elected representatives and ask them to sponsor it.
>> Draft an e-mail sponsoring the bill. (Here is some sample text you can copy/paste and send to your representatives.)
Here are some of the key features of The Bodily Integrity Act:
• It expands the definition of "tracking device" to include devices other than microchips.
Here's why:
New technologies such as the Somark chipless RFID tattoo do not contain a microchip, and would therefore be exempt from legislation referring only to "microchips." We have expanded the definition to cover all immediately foreseeable advancements in human tagging and tracking.
• It raises the age of consent for chipping to 18.
Here's why:
Society recognizes that children lack the maturity to act in their own best interest when it comes to certain issues. For example, children are prohibited by law from smoking or joining the military. Being implanted with a microchip is at least as serious, and should not be undertaken by anyone who lacks the maturity to fully understand its implications from a personal, spiritual, ethical, and societal standpoint.
• It prohibits a parent or guardian from making a chipping decision for a child or other dependent person.
Here's why:
In the same way that parents cannot force (or allow) their minor children to smoke or join the military, they should not be allowed to decide a chip implantation issue for them. Many people consider injecting an implant into another person's flesh without that person's full consent as violent and invasive as rape. Parental permission is not enough to allow a violating and violent act to be performed on a child. A guardian's consent is not enough to allow such an act to be performed on an incapacitated person, either.
• It prohibits the chipping of a person's remains after death.
Here's why:
Injecting a microchip into someone's body after death is a desecration of that person's remains, and deeply violates many people's religious sensibilities. No one's body should be desecrated or their belief system compromised after death.
• It prohibits discrimination on the basis of chip implants.
Here's why:
To protect people from forced or coerced chipping, society should be as blind to Implant status as it is to race, color, and creed. No one should be discriminated against because they refuse to take an implant. No employer, insurance company, government body or other entity should be allowed to discriminate against a person for refusing to be chipped. Incentives, discounts, or other programs that favor chipped individuals must also be prohibited.
Three states have now passed implant-related legislation:
* California * Wisconsin * North Dakota
These states have legislation pending:
The AntiChips website is a project of CASPIAN, Consumers Against Supermarket Privacy Invasion and Numbering. Online at www.spychips.com and www.nocards.org.
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