Thursday, May 31, 2012

Many Outraged Over Boy Singing "Ain't No Homos Gonna Make It To Heaven" At Church

Pint-sized preachers have been known to captivate headlines, as The Blaze has highlighted before. There’s just something about small children reciting the gospel message with fervency that captivates attention. But a video of a young boy allegedly belting out anti-gay messages at an Indiana church is creating a very different reaction — one of surprise, even disgust.

It seems the nation may have another church controversy to focus on, following outrage after Pastor Charles L. Worley of Providence Road Baptist Church spoke earlier this month about putting gays in an electrified fence. Gawker has more about the newest purported anti-gay video that is making its rounds:
A place of worship identified as the Apostolic Truth Tabernacle in Greensburg, Indiana, is getting some much needed attention this morning after a video of a young congregant singing “Ain’t No Homos Gonna Make It to Heaven” began making the rounds late yesterday.
What makes this particular demonstration of intolerance so shocking is just how young this congregant is. Believing him to be no older than five, some are calling the church’s treatment of the boy out-and-out child abuse.
After the child sings that homosexuals won’t be going to heaven, the video shows the crowd cheering and applauding. A male voice can be heard yelling, “That’s my boy.” The overall reaction, it seems, was one of support for the messaging and encouragement for a small child that critics believe was too young to truly understand what he was singing. provides the lyrics to the song:
“The Bible’s right, somebody’s wrong.
The Bible’s right, somebody’s wrong.
Romans one, twenty six and twenty seven;
Ain’t no homos gonna make it to Heaven.”

Read More from The Blaze

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