Friday, May 18, 2012

Youtube Pulls Christian Ministry Video Labeling It Hate Speech

One News Now----The leader of a Christian ministry is protesting YouTube's decision to pull a video a viewer labeled as "hate speech."

Bradlee Dean is founder and executive director of a non-profit ministry directed toward youth called You Can Run but You Cannot Hide International. He posted a video on YouTube using Canada as an example to warn America what is to come if same-gender "marriage" is made legal across the country.

According to Dean, within three hours YouTube pulled the piece, claiming it amounted to hate speech.

"We're asking [YouTube] where the hate was involved with this situation, because it's not hate to protest that which is unlawful," he tells OneNewsNow.

Dean believes the video was pulled because some activists in the U.S. do not YouTube viewers to be exposed to the truth about what is taking place in Canada.

"And then what they find out when they look to Canada, they're going to find out that it's a government-backed agenda," the ministry founder explains. "The homosexuals are merely being used as a political battering ram to only implement government control through a totalitarian government."

The video must have "struck a chord" with someone when they viewed it, Dean says.

"... They thought Uh-oh, we're okay with what we're doing here, but we don't want people to look at Canada because if they look at Canada they might put the kibosh on us real quick here -- and I think that's exactly what's going to happen here."

Dean considers YouTube's removal of the video is "a clear violation of free speech" and says his organization is considering legal action.
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