Friday, September 21, 2012

Christian Business Owners Outline Their Advice for Entrepreneurs: ‘Pray to Get Guidance’

Owning a business is a rewarding, challenging and life-altering experience. In today’s economy, the difficulties are plentiful, but so are the success stories, as many brave entrepreneurs battle against the odds to make their dreams a robust and blooming reality. These issues become especially intriguing when these trailblazers launch faith-based ventures.
As you may know, The Marketplace by The Blaze features and promotes unique small businesses that are run by owners who face some of these profound issues — and joys. Scott Osborne of and Mark Smith of Gifts Catholic, two of the faith-based businesses in the Marketplace, connected with TheBlaze this week to share their experiences building up their businesses. They also issued advice for Christian entrepreneurs who may be looking to follow in their footsteps.

Osborne’s idea for, an affordable and unique greeting card company, came five years ago after he and his wife noticed that the messages in greeting cards have turned, in many instances, negative. While walking in a card aisle at a local store, he recalled having to very-literally shield his children’s eyes from offensive messages.
“I remember thinking —  ’What happened to the old days when all the cards were family friendly?,” he said. “We thought, ‘Someone should do something about that.’”


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