Monday, October 22, 2012

'We Stand With Israel' Project Added as Sponsor of the We The People Presidential Debate® -- 'In Their Own Words'(tm) 'Virtual Debate' Airing October 23rd, 2012 at 9PM EST

JACKSONVILLE, Fla., Oct. 22, 2012 /Christian Newswire/ -- Big Voices Media Broadcast Network announced today that the project will join Tea Party Express as a sponsor of its 1 hour exclusive TV Special, We The People Presidential Debate® - "In Their Own Words"™, airing as a webcast on October 23rd at 9PM Eastern at, and simulcast for viewing through ROKU Internet TV and smart phones. See the program trailer at This "Virtual Presidential Debate" will be the first such Presidential Debate in American history and the last Presidential debate before the November 6th election. It will be moderated by Fox News Contributor and nationally syndicated radio talk show host Mike Gallagher of The Mike Gallagher Show.

The strength of the unique U.S.-Israel alliance is found in the shared values of the two nations. When President Lyndon Johnson was asked by Soviet Premier Aleksei Kosygin why the U.S. supported Israel when there are 80 million Arabs and only three million Israelis, President Johnson replied simply: "Because it is right."

The project believes in the tradition that America stands by its allies and supports them against our common enemies. It further believes that due to the ongoing threat of the Iranian regime to destroy Israel and the United States, that a nuclear capable Iran is a threat to peace and stability in the free world, is unacceptable and must be stopped immediately by any means necessary.

"The project stands for the truth and we are proud to include them as a supporter and sponsor of the We The People Presidential Debate." explains Executive Producer Clyde Fabretti. "We have seen firsthand how a candidate can be 'Candied' in a traditional Presidential Debate [a reference to the contamination of the 10/16 Town Hall Debate by moderator Candy Crowley (CNN) due to her intervention on behalf of President Obama regarding his statements on the Benghazi attack] and, how unfortunately the full truth about a candidate's ideologies and previously stated positions do not always survive such forums. The voting public deserves the clear and unvarnished truth, in a candidate's own words. With the support of a great sponsor like the project, that is exactly what is intended for viewers to see Tuesday night."

The theme of this TV production is to ask questions by "We The People" to include an array of notable public figures and the voting public -- with answers "In Their Own Words" ™ revealed in historic videos found through an extensive archival search project conducted by the researchers at Big Voices Media. The program was taped Friday (10/12) before a live studio audience on the campus of the University of North Florida, and was enthusiastically received and praised by the public in attendance at the taping.

Big Voices Media is a conservative broadcast company ( which is best described as the technical convergence of websites like YouTube, Facebook and U-Stream together, with dozens of affiliate channels, an extensive video library and a social network community, all grounded in conservative principles and values. Public appearances and interviews with Big Voices Media CEO Billie Tucker may be arranged through Dorothy Mowbray, BVM Director of Communications at contact information above.

Contact: Dorothy Mowbray,
Big Voices Media,
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