Friday, March 15, 2013

Court Rules Fifth Grader Can Invite Classmates to Church Party

By Leonardo Blair , CP Contributor
March 13, 2013|5:32 pm

A U.S. Appeals Court ruled on Tuesday that a then-fifth-grade student should have been allowed to pass out fliers to her classmates to invite them to a Christmas party at her church as it wouldn't cause "substantial disruption."

An earlier news report noted that the 3rd U.S. Circuit Court upheld a lower court's earlier decision allowing the student, identified as K.A., to share invitations with her classmates based on a free speech standard set in a Vietnam-era Supreme Court case about a high school anti-war protest. Court documents also highlighted that the law on how the case should affect elementary schools is still evolving. "The fact that K.A. was only in the fifth-grade and the invitation originated from her church does not mandate a different approach," Judge Thomas Vanaskie wrote in his 31-page opinion.

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