Thursday, March 11, 2010

CBS Viewers Give Obama Failing Grade On First Year In Office

Click To Read Original Article at World Net Daily

Posted: March 09, 2010
9:21 pm Eastern
© 2010 WorldNetDaily 

An unscientific CBS News poll evaluating President Obama's first year in office gives him – by an overwhelming margin – a failing grade.
In the poll, which has been online for several weeks and has attracted thousands of comments, not even 3 percent of the respondents grade Obama with an "A," barely another 3 percent give him a "B" and about 4 percent give him a "C."
Almost 26 percent give him a "D" and more than 63 percent him an "F."
Said one person on the poll's comments section: "Obama may be a Harvard Law School graduate, but when it comes to common sense, he must of skipped that class, or failed it miserably.
"His problem is that because he doesn't really have any lead[er]ship ability or experiance (sic), he leaves it up to others to make the decisions. Why do you think this whole Health Care Bill is in such trouble, he left it to a bunch of First Class Idiots to compose, and it is so bad they had to buy votes to get it passed in both the House & Senate."
The poll explains CBS is "giving you the chance to weigh in on how you think he has done on the job." Readers are asked to choose a grade from an "A" to "F' scale. The 10 categories are economy, foreign policy, health care, Afghanistan, Iraq, threat of terror, energy and environment, social issues, bipartisanship and overall.
The results showed Americans believe Obama is moving the nation in the wrong direction on every count.
Fewer than 6 percent gave him an "A" or a "B" on the economy. Seventy percent gave him an "F" and another 18 percent a "D." On foreign policy, more than 84 percent gave him a "D" or "F" and only 3.9 percent gave him an "A."
On Obama's proclaimed No. 1 priority, health care, nearly 82 percent graded him with an "F" and nearly another 10 percent handed out a "D." Only 2.6 percent gave him an "A."
On Afghanistan, where Obama has maintained many of George W. Bush's policies – to the point of dispatching more troops to Afghanistan – his grades of "D" or "F" made up about 55 percent of the respondents' total. Under 30 percent granted him a "C."
Overall on terrorism, 61 percent gave him an "F" and 21 percent a "D." On energy and the environment those figures were 58 percent and 22 percent, respectively. On social issues they were 58 and 21.
His "A" grade in those categories was under 4 percent.
One of his poorest ratings was in bipartisanship, following his "I won" remark to congressional Republicans last year and his rebuke to Sen. John McCain that the "election's over."
Nearly 80 percent flunked him in that category, while only 2.9 percent gave him an "A."
Some of commenters on the CBS site were supportive: "The government was in a terrible state when he took over," said one. "It will take a while to get thing (sic) back in order."
Others said Obama is doing no more or less than what should be expected.
"Most Americans were not listening or just didn't want to hear when this president was campaigning. He is doing pretty much what he said he would do ... fundamentally transform America, redistribute the wealth etc. Most Americans did not listen when shown his radical friends and acquaintances. It was all there for anyone to objectively see," said one.
"This guy has zero understanding how to do anything but stand in front of a camera and make another of his long-winded-do-nothing speeches. It is unbelievable that the American voters could even consider a jerk like this with absolutely no experience on how to manage anything," said another.
"This is the time I have ever seen a president screw so much up, so fast," added another.
"He has traveled the world apologizing for our mistakes (his conception), his social agenda is too similar to those which failed in fascist and communist countries, he ignores what is sacred to most Americans regarding, religion, patriotism and independence from big government," added another. "He decries the actions of the opposition regarding healthcare, yet in the present formulation of same, he left them out deliberately. His speeches, which are endless, are repeats of his campaign rhetoric, all promise and no substance. He is charismatic in his delivery of promises and to this 81senior, he reminds me of a few other saviors, Long, Wilkie, Hitler, Mussolini and Stalin. This may seem harsh, but his embracing the likes of Acorn is too reminiscent."
Another contributor stated more succinctly: "I think President Obama is doing the worst job any president has ever done."
Further, there was mention of term limits – "I am talking about both parties."
Another, a self-described Vietnam-era Marine, said, "We as a collective group elected Obama and now see our mistake. We have a problem with no jobs, illegal immigrants, a corrupt government, a situation out of control with over spending, and I could go on and on and on with problems within our country."
He continued, "Folks I do not advocate violence. It is time that we grow a backbone and stand up for the values and principals that made this country the best one on earth. It is time that we say hell no to those who are trying to tear it down."
JMC Ministries Response

Does it really come as a surprise to us that most people who took the poll gave the President a Failing Grade? I don't think so. Even though the "mainstream media" tries to prove other wise at times. But they can't dispute the voices of the American People.

On the Oprah Show Mr. Obama when asked what Grade would he gave himself  on his first year in office he gave himself a B. But when you look at the results from the CBS Poll less than 3-4 percent gave him a B Grade. Over 60% Gave him a failing Grade.  Do you think Mr. Obama is a bit dilluted?  

We as American Citizens must continue to make our voices heard and change the direction our Country is heading in. But we also need to pray for our President and Leaders that they see the light and realize this is not the direction our Country needs to be on.

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