Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Kenya: Abortion Law Spotlights Horrors

JMC Ministries Response

After watching this video for the horrors of what women are doing just to abort their babies is almost sickening. Babies being thrown into the dirty back alleys and sewers and eaten by animals. Is so disturbing you almost can't even grasp that this is real and is happening nearly everyday.

While there are many that think Abortion is ok and that there is nothing wrong with it. We must ask you how you think killing a baby like this and throwing its body into a street to be eaten by animals is fine and not murder? 

To our Christian Brothers and Sisters we must continue to pray and raise awareness of the horrors that are taking place in our world and try to stop abortion and make it illegal again. What comes to our minds are how many poor children didn't even have the chance to even breathe their first breath of life. Who may they have become? A scientist, musician, teacher, preacher, leader of a country? We will never know.

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